New Year Goal Hangover? Hope is Not Lost...

We're nearing the end of February and it's entirely possible that some of us are already losing steam on our 2020 Goals (if we haven't abandoned them entirely).

Worry not! I've got some ACTIONABLE tips to use right away to ensure we get back on track.

First let’s talk about Goal Setting in case this is situation where we need to re-start or re-set our goals. Many of us have heard of using SMART Goals, but here's a refresher and an easy to understand breakdown:

Specific- Get hyper-focused on our goals; too broad and we won’t be able to focus in on what needs to get done

Measurable- “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it." Numbers!

Attainable – We need to find the sweet spot between impossible and easy. Think STRETCHING, not breaking.

Relevant- Think about what is aligned with where you want your life and career to be.

Time-bound- Use a chronological timeline to determine the best way to tackle your goal and designate a...

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Feedback- A lesson from Janet Jackson

feedback Feb 06, 2020

When you hear some feedback keep going take it higher

Wait, you're not a Janet Jackson super fan?? Please go listen to that song ASAP! :)

Maybe Miss Janet was not referring to receiving feedback at work, BUT I think those lyrics are spot on as to what feedback can do for you! Because after all…you don’t know, what you DON’T KNOW and feedback can take you HIGHER.

Okay, back to FEEDBACK...

Sometimes, for those of us that are leaders, we are so used to GIVING feedback to our employees that we can often be caught off guard when we RECEIVE feedback for ourselves.

Whether the feedback is coming from our boss, our fellow co-workers or the employees that report to us…feedback can be difficult to receive.

Here’s a few things to keep in mind to help receive feedback: 

  • Expect it: Feedback is normal. We’re all unique and wired differently, so to think that others aren’t going to have a unique reaction or evaluation of things just simply...
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Tips on Giving Compliments at Work

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2020

Today is National Compliment Day!

When I look at this quote, it makes me think about how we can expand our minds to what constitutes “beautiful."

 Compliments can obviously be about just about anything, but I’d like us to focus on paying compliments in the work setting as it can often be something many of us avoid at the risk of looking like we’re a suck-up, just trying to be well-liked or striving too hard to be the “cool boss.”

So, I wanted to share some thoughts on how you can give compliments at work while 1) not sounding phony and 2) keeping things professional and not crossing the line :)

 Tips for complimenting your associates: 

  • Personalize it in a meaningful way.
  • Consider things the employee has been working on and is showing improvement in (an area where someone is showing growth).
  • Show genuine appreciation.
  • Be sincere. 


  • I am continually impressed by the results you produce.
  • It’s really showing how you pay...
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Procrastination: Why do we do it and what to do about it?

procrastination Dec 12, 2019

“You may delay, but time will not.”
― Benjamin Franklin

Procrastination certainly isn't a new problem that many of us face, but it sure is becoming easier to do it with the many daily distractions literally at our fingertips.

I had my own run-in with procrastination recently (wasn't the first and I'm sure it won't be my last) and as I often do...I got curious about why humans do this.

I began to look at my own patterns with procrastination and then turned to the very definition of the word and this is where I totally geeked out...Stay with me for a second...

The word originated from the Latin verb procrastinare — which means to put off until tomorrow. Digging deeper, I found that it is also derived from the Greek word akrasia- which is acting against one's better judgment.

This is where it started to get interesting for me.

According to the research of Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University, as many as 20% of...

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You NEED This Weekly Planner In Your Life!

Ahhh planning...we all love the idea of planning but really sticking to it can be difficult.

I, myself was a to-do list, cross off/highlight things I've done kind of girl for a while...but I seemed to hit a wall several months ago and my usual organizational tools were no longer as effective and I found myself getting sucked into the daily distractions we all face leaving my to-do list unchecked. I started to feel unproductive and felt my time wasn't being well spent on my priorities. Week after week, I found myself disappointed and frustrated at the end of each week that I didn't accomplish the truly important items (And I'm not just talking work priorities!)

So, I did what we all do when we have a a problem we want to solve with little time and patience to solve it...I turned to the World.Wide.Web.

Alas, the internet did not deliver for me like it normally does. I found tips and weekly planners that were useful, but there wasn't ONE solution out there that really seemed to...

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Easy as pie? Not so much for a career search during the holidays.

Easy as pie? Not so much when it comes to job hunting during the holidays. Whether you are currently employed but wanting to look for a new job or are unemployed looking for a job, this time of year can be frustrating on the career front. BUT, it doesn’t have to be! Here are some areas to focus on during the holidays so you can feel more CONFIDENT in your career search and less frustrated during a time a year that’s about gratitude and joy...NOT doubt and discouragement.

BE PATIENT- If it’s taking a long time to hear back from companies after submitting an application/resume or after an initial interview, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re out of consideration. Scheduling interviews during the holidays gets more challenging when trying to manage people’s schedule. So be prepared to interview with very little notice and be open (and ready!) for phone interviews.

MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME- Take this slower recruiting period to refine your job...

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Now more than ever, there is a need for adaptability. Whether it’s an ever changing job market, constant technology advances, the merging of five generations in the workplace, or a society and culture that moves at very fast pace- the need to be responsive to change is key. I recently listened to a @ted talk with venture investor Natalie Fratto who had some awesome insights on the three ways she measures adaptability (or AQ). And GOOD NEWS...similar to IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Intelligence), AQ can also be improved!

So here’s some actionable things you can do to improve your adaptability TODAY:

  1. Start asking yourself “What if?” If you’re in a job now, ask yourself “what if technology made my role obsolete?” If you’re a job seeker, ask yourself “what if companies didn’t use online applications? How would I apply for the position I want?” Asking “what if?” Forces us to imagine possible...
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Are Your LinkedIn Requests Getting Ignored?

linkedin networking Nov 04, 2019

Networking and building connections has a HUGE impact on landing an interview for a job, but I continue to see many people fall short when it comes to using LinkedIn to their advantage for networking. Here’s where it often goes wrong:

  • Not using a professional photo or worse, not having a photo at all.
    • This doesn’t necessarily mean you need a professional headshot photo taken, but it does mean you shouldn’t use a selfie either. The focus of the photo should be good lighting, letting your personality shine through the photo and minimal background distractions. The photo should be recent and convey the type of jobs/companies you are applying for.
  • Not personalizing the invitation.
    • This is where I see most people fall short. Think of this invitation the same you would as an in-person introduction. Learn about the person you’re sending an invitation to and highlight something personalized that perhaps you share in common or are interested in. Maybe you went to...
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Love What You Do- Job and Career Searching

Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life. Heard that before?

Easier said than done, I know. BUT, this is imperative to not only your professional success but more importantly...your personal happiness. So how do you find a job that you LOVE?

First, understand what love means in this context as I think this is where it goes wrong for many. In my experience, it is the combination of TWO things:

  1. Passion-something that excites and interests you.
  2. Purpose- something of value that contributes to others.

Bad news? There’s not one answer for everyone.

Good news? There’s not one answer for everyone!

First, let’s look at passion:

Lean into what excites you. What drives you? What gives you joy? What puts a smile on your face? What do you seem to gravitate towards? What interests you? These are sometimes small things that we tend to overlook thinking that it’s just something fun or they don't translate into a job, much less a career. I beg to...

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The Importance of Soft Skills

According to a LinkedIn survey released this year, 80% of recruiters say soft skills are increasingly important to a company’s success and therefore becoming more and more desired when considering candidates.

So, what are soft skills? These are the qualities that determine how well we interact with others. They include skills like attitude, communication, creative problem solving/thinking and teamwork. The most in-demand soft skill according to over 5,000 recruiting professionals? Creativity. Simply defined in the survey as “solving problems in original ways—a skill that machines can’t easily replicate.”

While hard skills certainly matter (think education, what you learn through work experience or training); more and more companies are realizing just how important soft skills are. Virtually every job has some form of people engagement and being able to harmoniously and effectively interact with others has a significant positive impact on a...

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